Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Would We Pray More Often?

Have you ever considered what it would be like to have
the Savior of the World was physically in charge of things?

Would he require prayer three times a day?
Or would it be our free choice to engage?
Would we want to pray more?

Would our prayers have more impact?
Would more people pray?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think He would require prayer. I think it would be our choice, as it is now. I think those of us who choose to pray now would continue to do so, and probably more. Hopefully our numbers would grow.
    As for more impact, that's a good one. I don't think so--as far as I'm concerned, He's always in charge of things. If He were here physically, I don't think the impact would change--people's perception of it might, but God's plan is God's plan; that won't change.
    You know what I mean?
